Do You Need an Eye Exam?

Eye Care

5 quick questions to ask yourself to determine the need for an eye exam:  1) When was your last eye exam?If it’s been more than a year then now is a perfect time!   2) Is your vision blurry for distance, near, or both?If so, it’s time to get your eyes checked.   3) Have you been having more headaches…

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5 quick questions- for an eye exam

Your Guide to the Symptoms and Treatments of Glaucoma

Eye Care

One of the reasons we wanted to write about the symptoms and treatments of Glaucoma is because approximately 3 million Americans suffer from Glaucoma.  Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can lead to blindness if left untreated. Thankfully there are ways of managing it. Prognosis is typically better if it is caught early enough….

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the symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

The Side Effects of Overwearing Contacts

Eye Care

There are around 45 million people in America that wear contact lenses so overwearing is, unfortunately, a very common problem. Not following the appropriate instructions your eye doctor gives you can lead to higher chances of ocular health complications and even permanent visual impairment. Sometimes you may not realize that you’re overwearing your contacts until you get…

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overwearing contacts