A Better Dry Eye Treatment – LipiFlow

Eye Care

The dry eye treatment LipiFlow is on the rise. Dry eye symptoms affect around 16 million Americans every year, according to the National Institutions of Health. For sufferers of the condition, symptoms can range from itchy and red eyes to symptoms that make daily tasks difficult.  While there are numerous dry eye treatments available to…

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dry eye treatment LipiFlow

Keratoconus Treatment with Medically Necessary Contacts

Eye Care

Learn about Keratoconus treatment and this rare eye condition. Your sight is one of the most important senses you have. Unfortunately, there are many different ailments that can affect your ability to see. Some, like short-sightedness, are pretty common. Others, such as keratoconus, are a little rarer. Keratoconus is an eye condition that affects approximately one in…

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keratoconus treatment