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Myopia and MiSight

Myopia: A Growing Problem Affecting Children and Teens’ Vision

Is your child struggling to see the board in class or distant objects clearly?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is becoming more common among children worldwide. Thankfully, with cutting-edge advancements in eye care, there’s a revolutionary way to manage this condition and help your child see better.

As a parent, you want the best for your kids, especially when it comes to their health and well-being.

Don’t wait, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor today to discuss myopia management options for your child.

Meet FDA-Approved MiSight®

A Breakthrough in Children and Teens’ Eye Health

Imagine a world where your child can slow down their worsening vision. MiSight technology is here to make that a reality. It’s the first FDA-approved treatment specifically designed to slow the progression of myopia in children and teens’. These daily disposable contact lenses are not only effective but also child-friendly, making them a preferred choice for many parents and eye care professionals.

Starting myopia management early with MiSight 1-Day contact lenses can make a significant difference in your child’s vision and overall eye health.

Give your child the gift of clear, comfortable vision.

These revolutionary daily disposable lenses not only correct your child’s vision but also work to control the progression of their myopia. With MiSight® 1 day, your child can experience the joy of clear vision without the limitations and frustrations that come with glasses.

Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to discuss if MiSight® 1 day is right for your child.

Experience the revolutionary technology behind MiSight® 1 day.

Here’s how it works:

  • Two treatment zones create myopic defocus with image focus in front of the retina, rather than behind it, to slow axial elongation.
  • Two correction zones correct myopia in all gaze positions, ensuring clear vision for your child.

MiSight 1 day with ActivControl™ Technology is not your average contact lens. It’s a dual-focus lens designed to create simultaneous defocus on the retina for both distance and near viewing, which can slow down the signal for childhood eye growth. By addressing axial elongation, MiSight 1 day helps reduce the risk of myopia-related vision complications later in life, including irreversible vision loss.

The Benefits of MiSight 1 Day for Your Child

Unlock your child’s potential with the life-changing benefits of MiSight® 1 day.

By choosing MiSight 1 day for your child, you’re not only helping to manage their myopia but also giving them the gift of:

  • Clear, comfortable vision all day long, without the hassle of glasses or traditional contact lenses.
  • The freedom to participate in sports and other activities without worrying about their vision.
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem, as they’ll feel more like themselves without the need for corrective eyewear.
  • A reduced risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life, thanks to the myopia control benefits of MiSight 1 day.
Two young kids playing soccer

Your child deserves the best. Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor today to discuss if MiSight® 1 day is right for your child.

MiSight vs. Orthokeratology: Comparing Myopia Management Techniques

When it comes to helping children with myopia, there are two great options: MiSight lenses and Orthokeratology (Ortho-K). They work differently and each has its own benefits.

MiSight lenses use dual-focus technology to slow myopia progression. These daily disposable soft lenses are super convenient, reduce the risk of infection, and provide immediate vision correction and myopia control all at once.

On the other hand, Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) uses rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses to reshape the cornea while sleeping. This non-surgical procedure allows for clear vision during the day without needing glasses or contact lenses. Although it’s effective in slowing myopia progression, it requires extra care and maintenance, and children need to learn how to handle and care for the lenses

Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at All Eye Care Doctors & EYESPOT today to explore the best myopia control for your children & teens.

Understanding the Causes of Myopia

It’s natural to feel concerned and even a little overwhelmed when you notice your child squinting at the television or complaining that they’re not able to read the board in school. You may find yourself wondering, “Is this normal? Should I be worried?” 

The truth is, you’re not alone in your worries. Many parents today are facing the same challenges as the number of children diagnosed with myopia, or nearsightedness, continues to rise at an alarming rate.

But what’s causing this myopia epidemic? 

  • Genetics
    If you or your partner are myopic, your child may be more likely to develop myopia.
  • Insufficient time spent outdoors
    Kids need to spend time outside, enjoying natural light and taking breaks from close-up work.
  • Prolonged time spent on digital devices
    In our digital age, children are spending more time than ever staring at screens, which can contribute to vision issues.
  • Poor lighting levels
    Inadequate lighting while reading or doing close-up work can strain your child’s eyes.

The Impact of Myopia on Your Child’s Life

Myopia can affect your child’s life in many ways, both now and in the future. Without proper management, myopia can lead to:

  • Difficulty seeing the board at school, which can impact their learning and academic performance.
  • Struggle with sports and other physical activities, as poor vision can affect hand-eye coordination and depth perception.
  • Increased risk of developing more serious eye conditions later in life, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts.
  • Reduced self-esteem and confidence, as your child may feel self-conscious about wearing glasses.

Your child deserves the best.

Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor today to learn about myopia management options.

Take the first step towards a brighter future for your child.

Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at All Eye Care Doctors & EYESPOT in Cambridge, MA, today to discuss MiSight® 1 day!